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Title: Jugendgottesdienst - Teil 117/209 - 117. Jugendgottesdienst
Author: Theo LehmannClick here to get further informations
Location: Frauenkirche Naboth
Passage: 1. Könige 21, 1-29
Language: german (Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland)
Category: Evangelisation
Date/Time: 09.10.1988
Duration: 47:19
ID: 10948
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mp3 (64 kbit/sec): Right click here & Save target as (IE) or Save link... (Google Chrome) (file size: 21 MB) Click to select this version!
mp3 (64 kbit/sec) sermon/speech only: Right click here & Save target as (IE) or Save link... (Google Chrome) (file size: 13 MB) Click to select this version!
Keywords: Nabots Weinberg

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