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Title: Einführung in das Buch des Propheten Jona - Teil 1/2
Author: Roger LiebiClick here to get further informations
Location: Bibelstudientag, Herznach, Schweiz
Passage: Jona 1, 1 - Jona 4, 11
Language: german (Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland)
Category: Bible study
Hint(s): We are gladly giving our acknowledgement to Roger Liebi for making available his lectures on Sermon Online. An audio or MP3 CD offering better recording quality can be ordered from Edition Nehemia to a reasonable price. ©
Date/Time: 13.05.2006
Duration: 01:12:38
Pages: 5
ID: 20180
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Keywords: Entstehungszeit Thema Zusammenfassung Charakteristische Ausdrücke und Besonderheiten Aufbau des Buches Praktische Lehren

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