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Title: Cosmic Chemistry: Do Science and God Mix?
Author: John LennoxClick here to get further informations
Location: Smith Lecture
Language: english
Category: Lecture
Date/Time: 25.08.2014 15:15
Duration: 01:32:00
Pages: 1
ID: 27159
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Keywords: This is a question of "cosmic chemistry." Do science and God mix? It has become accepted wisdom that science and religion represent two incompatible ways of viewing the world. John Lennox, however, is a mathematician from Oxford and a Christian. If you're an atheist like Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, Chris Hitchens, Peter Singer, Freud or Lawrence Krause, you'll be diametrically opposed to his ideology. Dawkins states that "God is a delusion ... like Santa Claus," whilst Hawking claims that 'religion is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." John Lennox tackles all these beliefs head on for the annual Smith Lecture at the Sydney Town Hall. This is followed by a conversation with the ABC's Jane Hutcheon.

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