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Title: Joseph - Part 4/4 - The Use of Power
Author: John LennoxClick here to get further informations
Location: ELF Plenary Session
Language: english
Category: Bible study
Date/Time: 27.05.2009
Duration: 52:10
Pages: 4
ID: 27171
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Keywords: I. The first visit of the brothers to Egypt A. The pressure of global famine: a 'natural' catastrophe? B. A life or death choice for Jacob: he sends his sons to Egypt but refuses to allow Benjamin to go with them. C. Joseph sees his dream come true – his brothers bow the first time. D. The complex issues facing Joseph: 1. He accuses his brothers of spying: are they 'honest men'? 2. Joseph determines: 'that your words may be tested, whether there is truth in you... that your words might be verified' (42.16, 20). E. Joseph commands they bring Benjamin next time. F. The pressure of conscience and the beginning of repentance: 'In truth we are guilty...' (42.21). 1. Reuben: 'Surely we are being punished because of our brother... so now there comes a reckoning for blood'. G. Joseph's weeping and its significance: the dimensions of forgiveness. H. Joseph takes Simeon as prisoner and sends the others home. AM Plenary (Bible Teaching)/ Day 4/ John Lennox/ The Use of Power – Joseph Tests his Brothers 2 I. On the journey, they find their money returned in their sacks. The recognition that God is involved: 'What is this that God has done to us' 42.28 J. Jacob's reaction: 'You have deprived me of my children' 42.36. K. Reuben's irrational offer: 'Kill my two sons if...'. II. The second visit of the brothers to Egypt. A. Jacob resists Benjamin going. 1. Judah's plea: 'I will be a pledge for the boy... If I do not bring him back I shall bear the blame for ever'. B. A meal with Joseph. 1. The brothers bow for the second time 2. Joseph weeps when he sees Benjamin 3. The seating arrangement according to age 4. Favouritism shown to Benjamin? C. Joseph now commands that the grain payment be returned in the brothers' sacks and his special silver cup placed in Benjamin's sack. 1. The discovery of the silver cup. 2. The decision that faced the brothers – they choose to return to the city. D. Facing the judgment of Joseph. 1. The brothers bow the third time. 2. Judah's plea: he begs to be allowed to take Benjamin's place as Joseph's slave so that Benjamin can go back to his father. E. The climax: AM Plenary (Bible Teaching)/ Day 4/ John Lennox/ The Use of Power – Joseph Tests his Brothers 3 1. Joseph, weeping, reveals his identity to his repentant brothers and they are reconciled. 'Do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here. For God sent me before you to preserve life'. 2. 'After that his brothers talked with him' 3. Jacob learns Joseph is alive and 'his heart became numb because he did not believe them'. III. Israel comes to Egypt. A. The meeting of Jacob with Joseph. B. Arrangements with Pharoah for family accommodation and work in Egypt. C. Jacob meets Pharoah: 'Few and evil have been the days of my life'. D. Jacob prepares for death. Jacob blesses Joseph's sons and his own sons; he dies and is buried in Abraham's tomb in Canaan. IV. Complete forgiveness? A. The lingering doubt about Joseph's attitude now that Jacob was dead: 'It may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back.' A double plea for forgiveness from Jacob? B. Joseph's final tears...

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