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Title: Das Evangelium nach Lukas - Kapitel 23
Author: Bibel (Neue Genfer Übersetzung)
Passage: Lukas 23, 1-56 (Lukas-Evangelium, Lk.)
Language: german (Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland)
Category: Audio-Bible, Bible text (read)
Hint(s): Bible text Neue Genfer Übersetzung – Neues Testament und Psalmen
Copyright © 2011 Genfer Bibelgesellschaft
Played with friendly permission. All rights reserved.
You can order the printed version Neue Testament
directly from the Geneva Bible Society,
the German Bible Society
or on the Website of the NGÜ
Special thanks to Mr. Andreas Symank!
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Duration: 08:41
ID: 7428
Available version(s):
mp3 (64 kbit/sec): Right click here & Save target as (IE) or Save link... (Google Chrome) (file size: 3 MB) Click to select this version!
Keywords: NGÜ

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