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Titel: God is One in the Holy Trinity
Autor: Zachariah Butrus
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Lehre
Seiten: 60
ID: 22566
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Schlüsselworte: The All-gathering Unity of God in the Holy Trinity, The Unity of God in Christianity, The Holy Trinity in Christianity, The Necessity of the Trinity in the Unity, The Testimony of the Kuran for the Unity of the Holy Trinity, The Kuranic Testimony of Christian Monotheism, The Kuranic Testimony of the Holy Trinity, The Kuranic Testimony that Christ is the Word of God, The Kuranic Testimony of the Holy Spirit, The Names of the Holy Trinity, The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, The CounterfeitTrinity, The Trinity of the Maryamiyya Sect, The Christian Attitude Towards this Counterfeit Trinity, The Attitude of Islam, The Shining of Grace, The Proof of the Spirit, Groping in Darkness, The Grace of Revelation, Overwhelming Compassion, The Light of Faith, The Greatest Proof
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