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Titel: Islam in a Biblical Perspective
Autor: Abd al-Masih
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Buch
Seiten: 48
ID: 22680
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Schlüsselworte: The Many Faces of Islam, I. ALLAH IN ISLAM AND THE INCARNATION OF GOD IN JESUS CHRIST, Allah - no triune God, Allah - no Father, Allah - no Son, Allah - no Holy Spirit, II. MUHAMMAD AND CHRIST - A COMPARISON, Muhammad - A Normal Man, Jesus - Son of Man and Son of God, The Revelations of Muhammad, Jesus and His Revelation, The Holy War of Muslims, Jesus and His Holy War, III. THE QUR'AN AND THE NEW TESTAMENT, The Qur'an - A Collection of Revelations to Muhammad, The Revelation of God in Christ, How Should the Qur'an and the New Testament be Read?, The Solution of Religious and Judicial Problems after the Death of Muhammad, Who are the Bearers of Revelation in the New Testament?, IV. THE ISLAMIC LAW AND THE GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST, Islam - A Religion of Law, The Grace of Jesus Christ, Al-Sharia - The Law of Islam, Jesus Christ and the Law, The Idea of Kingdom of Allah in Islam, Christ and the Kingdom of God, V. APPENDIX, Qaddafi's New Years Message to the Statesmen of the Christian Nations, Excerpts From the Law of Retaliation (Iran), Ways to Understanding Muslims
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