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Titel: Disciples Manual - Study Guide - (German Title: Seiner Spur folgen - Arbeitsbuch)
Autor: Peter LülingWeitere Informationen abrufen
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Buch
Seiten: 90
ID: 23655
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Schlüsselworte: TABLE OF CONTENTS, Foreword, Section I: Christian Discipleship 1. To Be a Disciple 2. The Revolutionary Teachings of Jesus 3. It's Radical Training: Part 1 (Luke 6:12-26) 4. It's Radical Training: Part 2 (Luke 6:27-38) 5. It's Radical Training: Part 3 (Luke 6:39-49) 6. Have a Secure Future (Matthew 6:19-34) 7. He Said, 'Forsake All' (Luke 14:25-35) 8. Don't Bargain with God (Matthew 20:1-16) 9. Make Friends with Your Money (Luke 16:1-15) 10. The Sin No One Confesses (1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19) 11. Only the Best for God 12. 20/20 Vision (2 Corinthians 5:9-21) Section II: Christian Character 13. Aim to Be Like Jesus 14. Be Known for Your Love 15. Have Compassion for Others 16. Be Filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18) 17. Take the Low Place 18. Break Me, Lord 19. Keep Yourself Pure Section III: Christian Life 20. Total Commitment 21. You Can Know for Sure 22. Eternal Salvation 23. Be Baptized 24. The Lord's Supper 25. Now Concerning Guidance 26. Know Your Bible 2 27. Study to be Approved 28. Praying Always 29. Your Daily Time with Jesus 30. Be a Worshiper 31. Love Christ's Assembly 32. Obey the Courtesy Code 33. Don't be Gullible 34. Never Give Up 35. Have a Conscience Live and Keen 36. Live Peaceably with All-Whenever Possible 37. Live Sacrificially 38. Guard Your Tongue 39. Marriage 40. Parenting 41. God's Ways, Not Our Ways Section IV: Christian Servic 42. Know Your Gift(s) 43. Be a Servant of All 44. The Challenge of Personal Evangelism 45. Preach the Word-the Glory of the Ministry 46. Entertain Angels Unawares 47. The Life of Faith 48. Be Zealous for Jesus 49. Avoid Publicity 50. Privileges and Responsibilities of the Local Assembly 51. Assembly Planting 52. Church Growth through Evangelism 53. One-On-One Discipleship 54. Leadership Training 55. Parachurch Organizations 56. Smaller May Be Better Section V: Conclusion 57. Closing Tips Appendixe A. Show It, Don't Blow It B. Lifestyle Evangelis C. Lifestyle Discipleship D. I Like the Assemblies E. Should We Hire a Pastor? F. Thinking As God Does G. Christian Literature: the Possibilities and Limitations H. Fundamental, Important and Nonessential – A suggested Method for Resolving Differences in the Assembly, HOW TO get the most out of this course
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