Those who trust in Christ are conscious of his presence in their lives through his Spirit. Our text today commands us to walk in the Spirit, and that this is the way we can find victory over the unholy temptations we face in life. To steel our determination and to say, "I will never do that again!" - no matter how sincere we are - is not the solution of God. We should resist the devil and say no to temptation, but then also turn to the Spirit and let him strengthen us and build us up. To be a Christian means to walk in the Spirit in our daily life, letting him transform us. Sometimes we have the idea that if we just don't do anything terrible, then that is enough. But the Christian life is not just avoiding sin, but also and especially putting on the character of Christ by walking in the Spirit. Christians are not just those who don't do really bad things, but those who are being transformed into the spiritual image of Christ. Today we are exploring how to walk with the Spirit in your daily life, and I pray that we may all grow in knowledge and in surrendered hearts to God's work in our hearts and lives. To walk in the Spirit is life and peace.