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Titel: What the Bible Teaches about the Church - Part 4/4 - The Worship of the Church
Autor: David PackerWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (2nd Service)
Bibelstelle: Romans 15, 1-7
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Predigt, Gottesdienst
Datum/Uhrzeit: 20.03.2016
Dauer: 38:50
ID: 29202
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Schlüsselworte: This morning we will explore the church's worship of the Lord. Churches are united in programming and purpose, but also in worship, and we must know not only how to sing but also how to truly worship the Lord in our hearts.
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