This morning we are examining the lives of those who were faithful to the end, and stressing the importance of finishing our race of faith. To begin well in Christ is important, but to finish well is imperative! Several years ago a good friend of mine said to me, "Most Christians do not finish their race well." He was a medical doctor who had personally seen many of his elderly Christian patients struggle in their faith near the end of their lives. He personally decided to do what he could to complete his personal race well, and he did! The last few years of his life, rather than becoming obsessed with himself and his problems, he gave his time and energy as a Christian layman to serve the Lord however God enabled him - becoming more joyful and fulfilled himself in the process. He has served as an encouragement to me, and I hope these testimonies we examine today will encourage us all to determine ourselves to finish well our race of faith. In our text this morning we read of those many believers through the centuries who endured terrible persecutions and martyrdom, but they did so in faith. These serve as inspirations to us to encourage us to complete our own personal faith journey, trusting God more and more to the end.