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Titel: The Sermon on the Mount - Part 11/16 - Pleasing the Father
Autor: David PackerWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (1st Service)
Bibelstelle: Matthew 6, 16-24
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Predigt, Gottesdienst
Datum/Uhrzeit: 14.10.2018
Dauer: 36:32
Seiten: 18
ID: 31094
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Schlüsselworte: One of the greatest challenges we face in life is the war within our own hearts to please ourselves, or others around us, rather than to please God. To "please" someone means to accommodate their desires, and not our own. Every believer in Christ has within their heart an inner desire to please God, and this desire is at war with our old sinful nature that just wants to please our lusts and pride. In our text today, Christ named three areas of life where we tend to want to please ourselves, but where we really need to focus on pleasing God: (1) how we approach our Master; (2) what we do with our money; and (3) what we do with our minds. To live a life pleasing to the Father brings peace to our own hearts and effectiveness in our service. And when we all do this, it brings unity to the church. Pastor David Packer

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