Happy Lord's Day! Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.
I hope this Sunday finds you and your family well. While we are unable to meet on Sundays at present, due to the COVID-19 shutdown, we are able to meet online. The government has said that the shutdown will be reviewed again after April 19, but at this time it seems like it will continue for a while.
Let me encourage you to pray for those in our church who are sick or who are elderly. One of our deacons, and his wife, have been diagnosed with the virus. They are doing better now. Many others in our church are suspected to have the virus and will receive word this week on their condition.
Pray also for the many doctors and nurses in our church family who are treating the sick. These are our heroes during these days, and we thank God for them. Pray for their safety from getting the virus themselves and for their work that touches so many people.
Easter is just one week away, and we are focusing on the cross of Christ. The message this Sunday is entitled: Jesus the Burden Bearer.
Questions for Discussion: Here are some discussion questions you and your family can use:
The sermon is from Isaiah 53:3-4, that Jesus bears our burdens and our sorrows as well as our sins. What are some burdens in your life that you would like Jesus to bear for you? Our sins separate us from God, and Christ died for our sins. What sins do you want Christ to bear for you? Are some sins more evil than others? How do our sorrows and hurts in life affect us? What sorrows do you still carry with you through life? Christ had enemies. Why do you think the religious leaders were jealous of Jesus? Why is jealousy harmful? Christ was ignored and considered insignificant by many people. When he hung on the cross dying for the sins of the world, many ignored him. How do people today ignore the death of Christ? Do you feel rejected and made insignificant by the world? What is the Christian's hope when we feel rejected and de-valued by the world? Have you had people betray you, fail to protect you, and turn against you? How do these experiences continue to bother you today? It is difficult to get past our hurts and betrayals, and we need to give them to God daily. Write out a prayer that someone could pray, to give their burdens to God. How important is it that we completely forgive those who have hurt us? How do we forgive someone completely? Blessings, Pastor David