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Titel: Christ is our Good Shepherd - Part 2/2 - The Shepherd Character
Autor: David PackerWeitere Informationen abrufen
Ort: IBC Stuttgart, International Baptist Church, Untere Waldplätze 38, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen - Sunday Morning Service (online)
Bibelstelle: John 10, 11-18 and John 10, 27-30
Sprache: englisch (englische, englischer, englisches, englischen)
Kategorie: Predigt, Gottesdienst
Datum/Uhrzeit: 19.07.2020
Dauer: 35:25
ID: 33738
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Schlüsselworte: John 10:1-18 is the Good Shepherd Message of Christ. The first ten verses stress the intimacy that Christ has with his people. The second section is about the character of the Good Shepherd.

We find comfort and encouragement in understanding the character of Christ. He is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his people, who draws each of us closer to his heart, and who fills us with confidence for the future.

Questions for Discussion:
Here are some discussion questions you and your family can use:

What does it mean to hear the voice of Christ our Good Shepherd? How can we hear his voice?
What do the words "I will most gladly spend and be spent" (2 Corinthians 12:15) mean to you? How should we feel about the sacrifices we make for God and for his people?
How can we recognize the wolves among the church?
There are several illustrations in John 10-15 about the intimacy we have with Christ. Which one speaks to you the most?
Why is intimacy with Christ important for the believer?
This section of John 10, about our Good Shepherd, describes three major aspects of his character: his sacrificial love, his intimacy with his people, and his authority that assures us of our salvation. Which of these speaks the strongest to you today?
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor David

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