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Titel: תיבת נח - ומשמעותה לתקופתנו - (English Title: Noah's Ark - and its meaning for our time)
Autor: Roger LiebiWeitere Informationen abrufen
Bibelstelle: 1. Mose 6, 5-22 (Erstes Buch Mose, Genesis) und 1. Mose 7, 1-24 (Erstes Buch Mose, Genesis)
Sprache: hebräisch (hebräische, hebräischer, hebräisches, hebräischen, Israel)
Kategorie: Bibelstudium, Bibelarbeit
Datum/Uhrzeit: 02.09.2022
Dauer: 42:06
ID: 35351
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Schlüsselworte: Why are the biblical measurements of Noah's Ark absolutely sensational from the point of view of modern physics and mathematics? Is there any evidence that the Flood actually took place? What explains the fact that there is Flood lore among peoples and tribes on all five continents, with startling detailed correspondences with the Bible?
What is the deeper meaning of the story with Noah and the ark? In what way does the rescue of Noah's family and all animal species illustrate the Good News in an amazing way in advance?
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